
In Memoriam: Dr. Richard Schmidt

Dear TPI Family, 

It is with a sad heart that I inform you of the passing of our dear TPI Advisory Board member, Dr. Richard Schmidt. Dick embodied every trait of a true gentleman and an inspirational teacher. He taught us all about the science of motor learning and motor control, and with his quest for knowledge and willingness to share, he made each of us at TPI a better teacher. 

I will never forget our last time together, which was about two months ago at TPI. Dick was already sick, with limited ability to talk and unable to walk, but still showed up in a wheelchair excited to participate and share. He wanted to provide each of you with the latest and greatest discoveries from his world, no matter how hard it was for him to travel. Teaching was just part of his DNA – learn, write and then share with those that are willing to listen. That was Dick Schmidt. 

On behalf of our entire Advisory Board, and all of us at TPI, I want to say thanks to Dr. Schmidt and his wonderful wife Gwen for being a part of our TPI Family. Thank you for enlightening us on the value of random practice, the difference between learning and performance, the myth of muscle memory and the science of teaching motor skills. You have changed the way I give a lesson and prescribe exercises and I am sure there are thousand of others who feel the same way. Dick, you will be missed by all of us, but not forgotten. Rest in peace my friend. 

Best regards, 

Greg Rose

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