
Massage Therapy and Golf

Over the last few years, golfers at all skill levels have started to appreciate the tremendous benefits that massage therapy can have on improving their golf game.  Golfers are turning to massage therapy for everything from pain relief, increasing range of motion and flexibility to injury prevention.   Although massage therapy has been around for thousands of years it is only now starting to get recognition it deserves.  Whether you are a weekend warrior or a touring professional, including massage therapy as a regular part of your training program can help you to avoid injury, enhance golf performance and play more pain free golf.

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Golf:

  • Increases circulation that assists in removing metabolic wastes that can accumulate in muscles due to overuse and the repetitive motion of the golf swing
  • A massage therapist can help reduce muscle spasms, trigger points and adhesions that need to be addressed to help prevent injury and improve quality of movement.
  • Improve range of motion  and muscle flexibility resulting in increased power and performance
  • Decrease anxiety and stress levels 
  • Improves mental focus

A Few of the Numerous Types of Massage Therapy Used to Improve Performance:

1.  Swedish Massage   is one of the most commonly offered and well known types of massage. It is a more gentle  and superficial approach of massage used to improve circulation, ease muscle aches and tension, and create relaxation.

2.  Deep Tissue Massage is a type of massage that focuses on realigning the deeper layer of muscles and     connective tissues. It works by physically breaking up adhesions in the muscle to relieve pain and helps to restore proper movement and .

3.  Neuromuscular/Trigger Point Therapy applies direct pressure to specific tender areas of a muscle. These tender areas are known as trigger points and can refer pain and sensations to other parts of the body.  This type of therapy usually leads to an immediate release of tension and improved muscle functioning.

4.   Myofascial Release is a style which focuses on the fascia, the complex web of connective tissue in the body which runs from head to toe. The fascia can hold a great deal of pain, tension, and strain which can contribute to soft tissue pain. By releasing the strain on the fascia using broad stretching techniques, a massage therapist aims to release soft tissue pain and increase freedom of movement.

How to Find a Qualified Massage Therapist

It is very important to find a qualified and credentialed massage therapist. Ask any potential therapist about their qualifications, specialized training, and the type of massage techniques they use to make sure it best suits your needs.

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