
Our Most Popular Articles of 2016

We do our best to share relevant articles and thought-leadership from TPI Certified experts with our online community.  Here are twelve of the pieces you liked most from this last year:

1. How Ryder Cup Competitors Work on Their Games in the Gym

Many of the athletes at the 2016 Ryder Cup embody the importance of golf fitness.  In fact, all 12 members of the U.S. team work with a TPI Certified swing coach, trainer or medical professional.  Here are some highlights of them in the gym:


2. The Science Behind a Golf Warm Up

Ben Langdown and Jack Wells studied the effect that a proper warm up had on golf performance.  The results were astounding.


3. Why Golfers Lift: Addressing Trepidation in the Media

Over the last several years, many members of the media have expressed concern at the sight of golfers lifting weights.  We think their criticism is mostly unfounded and took the opportunity to explain why.


4.  Five Common Mistakes in Golf Strength Conditioning 

"If an exercise is not improving force production potential or decreasing injury risk in an athlete, then why is it in our program?"  TPI Certified strength coach Mike Carroll discusses th most common mistakes he sees in golf training:


5. What We Can Learn About Distance from Long Drive Competitors

A look at how the longest drivers in the world achieve 200+ mph ball speed and what the average golfer can learn from it.  It wouldn't make snese


6. Should Golfers Push, Pull or Carry Their Clubs?

Research suggests that using a push cart is a better option than carrying your bag, even if your pride tells you otherwise.  TPI Certified chiropractor Josh Nelson outlines how carrying a bag might negatively effect your posture, especially among juniors:


7. The Man Behind the PGA Champ: How Marc Wahl Played a Hand in Jimmy Walker's Triumph

One of Jimmy Walker's first hugs walking off the green as 2016 PGA Champion was to TPI Certified physical therapist Marc Wahl.  Wahl stepped away from the victory celebration to share some of the specifics of his work with the PGA Champ.


8. How Ryan Moore Rehabbed His Ankle with a TPI Certified Team




After Ryan Moore won the John Deere Classic, he credited TPI Certified Brian Chandler with helping him overcome a nagging ankle issue which had bothered him for five years.  Here's how they were able to overcome the injury together:


9. Four Exercises for Stronger, More Powerful Glutes

Whether you’re looking to improve your golf game, or help prevent injuries and low back pain, focusing on glute strength is one of the most important things you can do in the gym.  Ben Langdown and Jennifer Fleischer discuss the function of the glutes and share four exercises to make them stronger:


10. The Data Behind Adam Scott's Body-Swing Connection

Dr. Rose and Dave Phillips share how Adam Scott's exceptional physical capabilities helped produce one of the most coveted swings in golf by looking at his 3D data.


11. What Golf-Specific Training Really Is

Training should be speed, time constraint and intensity specific, not just movement specific.  TPI Certified strength coach Nick Buchan shares his keys to golf-specific training, including what is myth or misconception:


12. TPI Instructors Jason Glass and Lance Gill Respond to Criticism of Rory's Workout

Golf fitness has made tremendous progress over the years, but the mainstream media continues to express concern over golfers lifting weights.  We aggregated thoughtful responses from TPI Instructors Jason Glass, Lance Gill and Robert Yang:

Looking forward to an even bigger 2017!  In case you missed it, we've added dates to our seminar schedule for next year (more dates TBA):




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