
Samsung Galaxy Camera

Samsung develops great products and are often being compared to Apple. They are however just as innovative and are poised to produce some amazing technology in the coming years that could knock Apple off its perch.  

Take the Samsung Galaxy Camera, this device merges the best of Camera technology with the features of the Android operating system, in the US they have partnered with AT@T to provide 3G and 4G coverage that allows you to use your camera and then instantly send your images or videos over the network as well as wifi to other devices and social media sites instantly.

The Camera is more powerful and better quality than that of the best phone based cameras and gives you some amazing opitons and editing features. Using Android based apps that you can download from the Android store onto the camera you can make your images and videos as professional as ever without having to upload to a computer first. 

What makes this camera interesting to the golf community is the fact that it can film at 120 frames per second. This high speed video can then be opened on your camera using apps like V1. This allows you to instantly analyze high speed video on the camera itself. In the near future you will be able to give a full lesson using the camera and an app then send it immediatey to your customer.  

Stay tuned for a more indepth review and video of this product when it launches. 


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