Better is More
By Dr. Bhrett McCabe
When More is Not Always Better, It is Time to Coach that Better is More
The Trickle Down Effect
By Dave Phillips
Washington Post columnist and avid golfer, Des Bieler, writes of his discovery that it was his body, not his technique, was holding back his golf game.
The Golfer's Guide to Lower Back Pain – Part 1
By Dr. Greg Rose
TPI Cofounder Dr. Greg Rose reviews how he uses the Body-Swing Connection™ when assessing lower back injuries in golfers.
An Osteopathic Approach to Performance
By Jelle Zandveld
An overview of Osteopathic principles and how they can be used to help your athlete’s performance.
Training the Senior Player
By Rich Freedman
With the advent of TPI functional fitness screening, fitness trainers have a valuable tool to identify and correct many of the swing flaws plaguing the senior player.
Solving the Middle Man
By Max Prokopy
Why the Thoracic Spine is So Important
Why the Glutes Matter
By Meredith Parker
Whether it’s a Saturday tee time with the guys, a regional tournament, or a corporate outing to entertain clients, there remains a desire to perform, and perform well.
How Yoga Can Improve Your Golf Game
By Michael Brantl
Golf conditioning yoga is one of the easiest ways to restore, improve, and maintain optimal functional movement patterns and maximize golf performance.
Improve Your Teaching by Incorporating Other Sports
By Liam Mucklow
Sometimes the best way to get results is to draw upon a player's prior athletic experience
Putting Practice with Jordan Spieth
By Cameron McCormick
TPI Certified Instructor Cameron McCormick shares a drill he recently incorporated into Jordan Spieth's practice routine.
U.S. Open Preview
By Dave Phillips
Potential shots players will be faced with around the greens at Pinehurst No. 2
The Trend Towards Early Specialization
By Milo Bryant
TPI Advisory Board Member, Milo Bryant, shares his thoughts on Daniel Coyle's recent article discussing early specialization
Injuries in Professional Golf - What's Going On?
By Dr. Greg Rose
Injuries seem to be on the rise among the professional ranks. The answer to "why" may be more varied than you think.
More Sports = Better Development
By Mike Hansen
How you can hinder your child’s development by focusing exclusively on golf
When to Come Back?
By Dr. Peter Mackay
To get back in the game, ramp it up slowly!
Coaching Junior Athletes
By Mike Hansen
Top 8 Things to Remember When Coaching Junior Athletes
The Linear Kinematic Sequence
By Phil Cheetham
So what exactly is the Linear Kinematic Sequence?
What Makes Best Teachers “Best”
By JP Reynolds
Not only do great instructors know the physics of the golf swing, but they have the ability to inspire their players to believe that they can do better.
Should You Swing the Driver at 80% Effort?
By Padraig Dooley
We hear it often - swing it at 80%. But is this true?
Inside Tracker
By Dave Phillips
Find out your blood biomarkers for better performance.