
Par for Life

This is one of the books I took with me on my recent flight to Korea, and I was very impressed with the information provided and the quality of the book.  The authors seem to have some heavy philosophical and exercise roots with Pete Egoscue, the author of Pain Free, which is a good thing.  The healthy food recipes never seem to stop in this book, and I must say they all looked pretty damn good after being out of the country for almost three weeks.  It is hard to write a good book on one subject, but to write about three subjects in one book is very impressive - it is definitely worth a read!

Par For Life - The Front Nine offers full-color instruction on how to play Functional Golf and take the quickest path to improving your golf game. The Front Nine combines golf instruction with gentle but effective exercises designed to get your body in a better alignment to take on the game. Along with nutritional information and plenty of healthy recipes, Par For Life - The Front Nine gives you the tools to play golf as much as you want for as long as you like.

About the Author
Kevin Paluch, a PGA Golf Professional for over 25 years, along with Jennifer Myers, has created the Par For Life Institute. Designed to give golfers the tools to play golf as much as they want for as long as they like, the Par For Life Institute delivers products and services created to enhance the golfers Function, Strength, Nutrition and Longevity. In addition to a PGA Golf Professional, Paluch is on the Faculty of the Colgan Institute, a Master Trainer of the Colgan Power Program, a certified Postural Alignment Specialist, and a Certified Sports Nutrition expert.


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