Debunking The Three Most Common (And Ridiculous) Arguments Against Golf Fitness
The arguments against golf fitness are often similar and bogus
Why Sprinting is a Key Developmental Exercise for Young Golfers
By Coach Milo
Want to create a better athlete? Create a better sprinter.
When Surgery is the Right Treatment for Your Herniated Disc
By Dr. Paul Houle
What is a herniated lumbar disc and how does it occur? More importantly, how does a herniated disc affect my golf swing and how can I regain my swing once I have recovered from my injury?
Our Most Popular Articles of 2016
Topics include how Ryder Cup competitors work out, our response to media-criticism of golfers in the weight room, the scientific golf warmup, player features, training myths and more.
X-Factor Essentials: What it is and How to Train it
By Mike Carroll
TPI Certified fitness professional Michael Carroll (attended Level 1 in the UK in June) examines the relationship between x-factor and ball-striking performance in addition to discussing strength and conditioning strategies for golf.
We Induce Failure: Therefore, Our Students Succeed
By Dr. Bhrett McCabe
Adapted from Michael Jordan’s quote, “I failed, therefore, I succeeded,” Dr. Bhrett McCabe discusses the value of incorporating failure drills in your students' practice.
What You Can Learn From No Laying Up's Visit to TPI
We recently had the opportunity to evaluate DJ, Cody and Casey from No Laying Up and wanted to highlight a few insights from their assessment that might be instructive to you or your golfers.
The Safe Way to Train Fast: Determining Your Readiness For Overspeed Training
By Chris Finn
Overspeed training is one of the hottest things in golf today. Some people call it a training aid, others call it power training and yet others say it will get your stronger and improve your balance. So which one is it and how is it supposed to be used?
Be Like Mike: How Mike Weir is Improving His Physical Capabilities in his 40's
By Jason Glass
Masters Champion Mike Weir joins the Coach Glass podcast to discuss his approach to training and performance.
How Addressing The Function Of Deep Stabilizers Can Improve Movement Quality In Your Golf Swing
By Dr. Josh Nelson
When a joint becomes restricted either through injury or prolonged postural distortions this leads to a decreased firing of the deep stabilising muscles (e.g. Multifidus, Rotatores etc.) and an over activity of the compensatory global muscles such as the Erector Spinae, Quadratus Lumborum and Iliopsoas.
Behind the Scenes With Brooks Koepka's Team
Koepka's team of Claude Harmon, Marc Wahl and Joey D share their perspective of how Brooks made the jump from contender to champ.
Cupping Therapy on the PGA TOUR: Considerations and Concerns
By Marc Wahl
A few reflections and considerations on the cupping demonstrations provided during the 2016 World Golf Fitness Summit.
Skin In The Game: The Overlooked Risk Of Golf
By Mindy Clark MD
On average it has been estimated that professional golfers received 217 times the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation needed to cause a sunburn over the course of the year.
5 Lessons Learned From Training Those With Low Back Pain
By Dean Somerset
Lower back pain is the most common injury in golf. According to some studies, lower back injuries account for roughly 1/3 of all golf injuries. Strength coach Dean Somerset shares his experience and observations from working with athletes who have lower back pain.
Improving from the Ground Up: How the Function of the Ankle and Foot Influence Your Swing
By Daniela Schellenberg
Did you know that your feet are often overlooked in golf? Why is the mobility of feet and ankles essential? We often talk about how ground mechanics can influence power and consistency in the golf swing, but we probably don't spend enough time talking about how the function of our feet and ankles affect so much of what we do in the golf swing.
How the Ryder Cup Competitors Work on Their Game in the Gym
Many of the athletes at the 2016 Ryder Cup embody the importance of golf fitness.
The Health and Performance Benefits of Eccentric Focused Training
By Chris Finn and Frank Muntis
Eccentric based training and specifically eccentric overload has been shown to provide improvements in strength, power, speed, change of direction ability and mobility while also reducing the risk for injury.
No Gym, No Problem: At-Home Training Ideas from the TPI Community
With so many golfers around the world under quarantine, we tried to crowd-source some at-home workouts from health and fitness professionals across our community.