Physical Education as a Solid Foundation for Junior Golf
By Ricardo Picorelli
Why applying more Physical Education based instruction in your program will help junior golfers in the long run.
The Latest Tour Winners Embody the 2016 WGFS Theme
Brooke Henderson and Daniel Berger are phenomenal golfers, but both are products of a multi-sport background. We discuss how they support our philosophy of developing athletes first, golfers second.
The Trend Towards Early Specialization
By Milo Bryant
TPI Advisory Board Member, Milo Bryant, shares his thoughts on Daniel Coyle's recent article discussing early specialization
Vision and Its Impact on Your Game
By Greg Rose
The development and use of your visual system has an impact on every aspect of your golf game.
Building a Golf Fitness Business: What Do You Do First?
By Fran Rosario
Now that you’ve completed some or all of your TPI Golf Fitness Certification Courses, it’s time to get right to the question that we’re all asking: “What’s next?”
What does club fitting mean to you?
By Dave Phillips
If you want to play better, then custom fit clubs are essential. But what should you consider when looking for new clubs?
The Man Behind The PGA Champ - How Marc Wahl Played a Hand in Jimmy Walker's Triumph
TPI Certified physical therapist Marc Wahl discusses his work with PGA Champ Jimmy Walker.
The Trickle Down Effect
By Dave Phillips
Washington Post columnist and avid golfer, Des Bieler, writes of his discovery that it was his body, not his technique, was holding back his golf game.
Stop that Over Swing !!
By Dave Phillips
If your over swinging, it could put you at risk for back injury so becareful.
How Golf Fitness is Achieving Mainstream Acceptance
By Rusty Cage
Golf has long had a strange relationship – a borderline phobia – with fitness, especially in the media. There's a disconnect we don’t see in any other mainstream sports. That's all changing now. Freelance writer Rusty Cage explores the evolution of "golf fitness" as the pursuit of performance fights the perception of vanity.
Practice with a Purpose
By Bill O'Neill
How you practice can be just as important as how much you practice.
TPI’s Junior Hat Classification System
By Greg Rose
Learn about our hat classification system used in our TPI Junior programs.
How Movement Capabilities, Injury History and Concept Influenced Swing Mechanics in an Elite Amateur Golfer
Our recent assessment with Luis Masaveu, one of the top amateurs in the world, was an example of how movement capabilities, injury history and concept can all influence swing mechanics.
Free Level 1 Preview: Analyzing the New "Hiking" Swing Characteristic
Hiking is one of the three new swing characteristics we introduce in our updated Level 1 course. It refers to the excessive lifting of the trail hip at the top of the backswing (or “launching” in transition).
How to Use Your Power 2 Certification to Increase Your Business
By Chris Finn
When you complete the TPI Power 2 Certification course, you join an elite and small number of golf performance professionals who can help golfers in unique ways.
How To Encourage Long Term Athletic Development In Junior Golfers
Parents and coaches who emphasize winning over athletic development at a young age can be limiting a golfer's long-term success.
Goodbye Belly and Long Putter
By Dave Phillips
The rules of golf will change in 2016 and ban a players ability to anchor the hand or club against the body.
Coordination and Movement Skill Development - The Key to Long Term Athletic Success
By Brian Grasso
The following article provides some basic exercises that you can use with your young athletes to help develop elements of coordination.
Buying a New Putter
By Dave Phillips
There are two basic putter fundamentals you want to check the next time you decide to buy a new putter: shaft length and offset.
Rethinking the Path to a College Golf Scholarship
By Brendan Ryan
Malcolm Gladwell's book, Outliers, helped popularize the 10,000 hour rule. It's a great idea, but not as simple as many parents think. Time dedicated to a task is vitally important, but how we encourage young athletes to spend that time is equally critical.