Why Basketball Players Have An Excellent Athletic Background For Golf
While Steph Curry might not make the cut at the Ellie Mae Classic, his background in basketball is excellent athletic preparation for golf.
Phil Mickelson Talks Career Longevity, Credits Sean Cochran, Dave Phillips, Dr. Rose and TPI
"I give a lot of credit to Sean Cochran and him staying up on new techniques working with Dave Phillips, Greg Rose and the guys at TPI and having our workouts being designed to elongate my career..."
Not All Yoga is Good for Golf But Proper Application Can Deliver Big Benefits
By Dana Santas
Yoga tends to be touted as the panacea for everything, but not all yoga is good for golfers. In fact, spending hours doing arbitrary yoga poses to increase your flexibility could actually impede your functional movement, power and control on the links. That isn’t to say that all yoga is bad for golfers…more like, not all yoga is created equal, and its effectiveness is dictated by the quality of its application to the movement and mental demands of the game.
Four Exercises for Stronger, More Powerful Glutes
By Dr. Ben Langdown and Jennifer Fleischer
Whether you’re looking to improve your golf game, or help prevent injuries and low back pain, focusing on glute strength is one of the most important things you can do in the gym.
What Golf-Specific Training Really Is
By Nick Buchan
Training should be speed, time constraint and intensity specific, not just movement specific.
Training The Queen Of The Swing
By Lance Gill
Lance Gill offers a sampling of exercises that will help develop your core for golf. Sorry, no crunches.
Why the Glutes Matter
By Meredith Parker
Whether it’s a Saturday tee time with the guys, a regional tournament, or a corporate outing to entertain clients, there remains a desire to perform, and perform well.
When to Come Back?
By Dr. Peter Mackay
To get back in the game, ramp it up slowly!
Measuring the Timing of the Golf Swing from Video
By Phil Cheetham
In this article Phil Cheetham will show you how to measure the timing of the backswing, downswing and follow through all with a video camera. Plus, he shows how to use this information to calculate backswing to downswing tempo.
Teeing Off with Breakfast
By Amy Goodson
If your goal is to have energy throughout your golf game, maintain driving strength through the 18th hole and stay mentally focused, you better set your alarm early and make time for breakfast.
Using Principles from TPI Power Level 2 Outside of Golf
By Jeremy Golden
After spending 17 years as a Strength and Conditioning Coach in collegiate and professional sports, I was curious about how well the TPI concepts would crossover to other sports.
5 Reasons Why Golfers Could Benefit From Muay Thai Training
By Dunk Visutthithada
If you’re open to trying out something new, here are five reasons how Muay Thai Training can help improve your fitness and make you become a better golfer.
How Pro Golfers Stay Fit During Quarantine
Whether in the gym or at home, there's no magic solution. Just hard work.
Club Head Speed By Age Group: What Percentile Are You In?
By Chris Finn
With over 600 data points, Par4Success has been able to identify a number of top metrics in the physical realm that you should be striving for if you want to play at your highest level.
In The Gym With I.K. Kim
By Robert Yang
I.K. Kim recently captured her first major at the Ricoh British Open. Here's a look at how she trains with TPI instructor Robert Yang.
5 Techniques to Improve Grip Strength
By Nick Buchan
The hands are you only contact point to the club so it seems obvious that they are a key area in the golfers body. However, grip strength is often ignored completely by golfers, or if trained, trained with ineffective methods.
How Golf Clubs Are Using Fitness To Engage, Attract And Retain Members
"While golf may have been the dominant force driving club membership since the end of WWII, health, fitness and wellness will be the identifying characteristics over the next 20 years. This is where society is going."
5 Common Mistakes In Golf Strength & Conditioning
By Michael Carroll
If an exercise is not improving force production potential or decreasing injury risk in an athlete, then why is it in our program?
The Top 6 Physical Attributes of Elite Golfers
By Nick Buchan
One of my major roles in working with a golfer is to identify and fix physical limitations that might interfere with an athlete’s ability to best “acquire” the swing mechanics for them. As such when I’m watching the top golfers in the world I’m often looking to identify the physical attributes they share. Here are six physical attributes I’ve noticed in most longer hitters and elite golfers:
Red Flags
By Gray Cook
The flags in golf, no one talks about.