Physical Education as a Solid Foundation for Junior Golf
By Ricardo Picorelli
Why applying more Physical Education based instruction in your program will help junior golfers in the long run.
Walk The Line
By Gray Cook
If you have issues with balance is it a mobility problem or a stability problem.
Capture Methods Overview
By Greg Rose
Here is a quick overview of differnet types of 3D motion capture systems available today!
Coaching Junior Athletes
By Mike Hansen
Top 8 Things to Remember When Coaching Junior Athletes
Protect your Eyes !!!
By Dave Phillips
Make sure your kids have a good pair of sunglasses to protect their eyes during the summer months.
Strengths and Weaknesses
By Dr. Greg Rose
Here are two simple pearls of wisdom that I live and train by!
Sprinting vs Jogging: Why Distance Running Won't Help Your Golf Game
Golfers are sprinters, not marathon runners.
How Powerful Are You Compared to Golfers Your Age?
By Chris Finn
How do you know if you physically can produce enough power to swing as fast as you’d like? What if you are swinging faster than your body is actually able to handle, how would you find that out before you get hurt?
Be Like Mike: How Mike Weir is Improving His Physical Capabilities in his 40's
By Jason Glass
Masters Champion Mike Weir joins the Coach Glass podcast to discuss his approach to training and performance.
5 Myths About Golf Fitness
By Clinton Shum
Golf fitness is starting to achieve mainstream acceptance, but there are still several myths which keep golfers from turning to the gym for improvement.
How Throwing a Frisbee Can Help Your Swing Sequence
By Liam Mucklow
Over the years I have found that it can be a lot easier to address kinematic sequence issues by using multisport modalities as a vehicle for the golfer to acquire a new pattern.
Practice with a Purpose
By Bill O'Neill
How you practice can be just as important as how much you practice.
What Golf-Specific Training Really Is
By Nick Buchan
Training should be speed, time constraint and intensity specific, not just movement specific.
Get a Lesson When You’re Playing Well
By Dave Phillips
When your playing your best you seldom seek help, but this is the time to have an expert look at your swing.
Joint Preserving Strategies for the Hip
By Dr. Tom Byrd
Learn the basics of preventing and treating the most common types of hip injuries from Dr. Tom Byrd.
Time Required for Developing Expertise and the 10 Year Rule
By Dr. Greg Rose
How many years do I need to practice to get on the Tour?
How To Overcome Golf Injuries And Get Back To Playing Your Best
By Michael Carroll
Injuries in amateur golf are very common. Though there are tremendous professional resources available, athletes often do a poor job managing their recovery.
Understanding Strength Qualities in Golf and How to Develop Them
By Lee Eldridge
Once we identify the strength qualities golfer needs to excel, we can build a training program and progression to get them there.
5 Pillars of Golf Strength and Conditioning for Golfers
By Michael Carroll
TPI Certified strength coach Michael Carroll outlines the most important physical qualities that golfers should try to develop.
The Top 6 Physical Attributes of Elite Golfers
By Nick Buchan
One of my major roles in working with a golfer is to identify and fix physical limitations that might interfere with an athlete’s ability to best “acquire” the swing mechanics for them. As such when I’m watching the top golfers in the world I’m often looking to identify the physical attributes they share. Here are six physical attributes I’ve noticed in most longer hitters and elite golfers: