Advanced Screening: How I use the TPI Screen
By Jason Glass
People always ask me how I perform my screens. Well, here's a bit of background into how I was introduced to TPI and how I approach the screening process.
The Top 6 Physical Attributes of Elite Golfers
By Nick Buchan
One of my major roles in working with a golfer is to identify and fix physical limitations that might interfere with an athlete’s ability to best “acquire” the swing mechanics for them. As such when I’m watching the top golfers in the world I’m often looking to identify the physical attributes they share. Here are six physical attributes I’ve noticed in most longer hitters and elite golfers:
Is Your Golf Swing Putting Your Shoulder At Risk?
By Bobby Dattero
According to numerous research studies, the shoulder is one of the most oft-injured areas of the body for a golfer. As with many golf injuries, the site of the pain is often the victim of limitations in other areas of the body. TPI Certified trainer Bobby Dattero discusses how limitations in your hips and thoracic spine might be putting your shoulder at risk.
5 Reasons Why Self-Directed Golf Fitness Programs Fall Short
By Ryan Blackburn
Most amateurs recognize that improving their fitness and movement quality will benefit their golf game, but many try to cut corners by writing their own program. TPI Certified trainer Ryan Blackburn offers some reasons why this isn't a good idea.
We Induce Failure: Therefore, Our Students Succeed
By Dr. Bhrett McCabe
Adapted from Michael Jordan’s quote, “I failed, therefore, I succeeded,” Dr. Bhrett McCabe discusses the value of incorporating failure drills in your students' practice.
An Osteopathic Approach to Performance
By Jelle Zandveld
An overview of Osteopathic principles and how they can be used to help your athlete’s performance.
Building a Golf Fitness Business: What Do You Do First?
By Fran Rosario
Now that you’ve completed some or all of your TPI Golf Fitness Certification Courses, it’s time to get right to the question that we’re all asking: “What’s next?”
How A Rotary Stool Became Our Favorite Tool for Helping Golfers Use the Ground
Whether early extension, loss of posture, sway, slide or even coming over the top, many of the most common swing characteristics we identify can be addressed by improving how we push against the ground and rotary stools have become a favorite tool to help create a feel.
5 Potential Causes of Lower Back Pain for Golfers (And What to Do About It)
By Jon Hodginkson
It’s no secret that lower back pain is a big problem in golf, but that doesn’t mean that injury and pain are inevitable. Here are a few things we can do to minimize that risk.
“Heavy” Strength Training – What’s The Point?
By Michael Carroll
Just because golf clubs are light doesn't mean that golfers don't need to be strong.
How Powerful Are You Compared to Golfers Your Age?
By Chris Finn
How do you know if you physically can produce enough power to swing as fast as you’d like? What if you are swinging faster than your body is actually able to handle, how would you find that out before you get hurt?
14 Exercises For Generating Impulse and Separation - A Key To Increased Clubhead Velocity
By Dr. Ben Langdown and Jennifer Fleischer
These exercises will create further stability and strength in the legs, hips, glutes and trunk as well as the shoulders -- the key areas of transferring force through the kinetic chain.
The Best Exercises To Increase Clubhead Speed
By Nick Buchan
Nick Buchan polls several top golf fitness experts about their favorite exercises for speed development.
Making Technical Changes To Compensate For Limited Hip Mobility
By Oliver Morton
If golfers have a physical limitation, they can either improve their body or work around the limitation.
Behind the Scenes With Brooks Koepka's Team
Koepka's team of Claude Harmon, Marc Wahl and Joey D share their perspective of how Brooks made the jump from contender to champ.
Back to Golf: Important Considerations for Golfers Undergoing Rehab Following Back Surgery
By Dr. Paul Houle and Catherine Hoell
Surgery sets the stage, but rehab and exercise gets you back to feeling and playing well.
The Science Behind a Golf Warm Up
By Ben Langdown
Ben Langdown and Jack Wells studied the effect that a proper warm up had on golf performance. The results were astounding.
Skin In The Game: The Overlooked Risk Of Golf
By Mindy Clark MD
On average it has been estimated that professional golfers received 217 times the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation needed to cause a sunburn over the course of the year.
How 43 Year Old Berry Henson Increased His Max Ball Speed By 15 MPH
We had the opportunity to work with Berry and his longtime strength coach Anthony Spain a few weeks before US Open qualifying and wanted to highlight some of the improvements they had made over the last several years, most notably how they were able to improve his maximum ball speed by over 15 mph.
Offseason Golf Performance Program Case Study: It's Never Too Late To Improve Your Body
By Jared Bickle
Many times when I talk to aging golfers they are frustrated with things in their golf game such as losing speed and distance, not being able to play multiple days in a row or dealing with pain during or after their round. The good news is that you don't have to accept this as part of getting older...