David Ostrow
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David Ostrow, PT, CGFI, GPS President, Body Balance for Performance, Inc
David Ostrow is the President and CEO of Body Balance for Performance, Inc. He has been a physical therapist for 22 years. David is considered by many golf industry professionals to be an expert in golf fitness. David has spent his career developing a well defined, effective approach for restoring the human body to full function. His eclectic approach to the body comes from his diverse training with many of the leaders in physical therapy education including Rocabado, Maitland and Callaway.
David has taken what he learned from the masters and created a complete clinical system, integrating it into Body Balance for Performance. This system leverages the best from the neuro-developmental, functional movement, biomechanical and orthopedic disciplines to create an approach that helps golfers deal with the issues in their bodies that cause dysfunction, pain, and challenges in golf.
David has publish articles on the body and the golf swing in a variety of journals, including PGA Magazine, Golf Illustrated, Advance Magazine, and news papers across the U.S. He is a professor of Golf Illustrated University. At GIU he authored courses on injury prevention in golf. He also has articles and tips published regularly in Philly Golfer and on the GAP website.
In 2004 he co-authored, with three PGA Professionals, The Body and the Golf Swing. This book looks at the common swing issues seen by golf instructors and outlines the physical causes of these problems. The book is the backbone of a course that David teaches to PGA Teaching Professionals called the Body and the Golf Swing.
David is involved in research on the body and the golf swing with several of the top 100 golf teachers and with MIT University. He is interested in providing additional information on many of the relationships that exist between the body and the golf swing.
David is a member of the Titleist Performance Institute's Medical Advisory Board. He is excited to be a part of that team and hopes to make great contributions to the health and well-being of golfers.
All of this activity is designed to help David fulfill his mission of helping golfers and the golf industry understand the body and swing relationships and to use this data in changing how golf industry professionals approach golf education.