Philippe Gregoire

Philippe Gregoire

Philippe Gregoire

French, Physical Education Teacher for 14 years, after 5 years in University, I moved forward in 2007 to what really excites me : functional fitness training and more specifically golf fitness.

Several seminars and diplomas later, I used to work for a gym, where I was a personal trainer, in charge of the trainer's training and teaching. This time I started to work for the Luxembourgian Golf Federation and more specifically for Junior National Team.

In 2011, I moved ahead to fund my own company : New Energy Above Training (N.E.A.T), with 2 main ideas :
- help people to move their body the way it's intended to do.
- create efficient sessions thanks to adapted high intensity training.

Inspired by science, attracted by fun training, using the best of yoga, fitness, pilates and other physical techniques, my goal is to help anyone to find a new way to self sustainable development, for golf game, and life game : Feel better, play better.

Main credentials on top of TPI :
- DUEPP (European University Diploma of Physical Preparation)
- Master in Sports Science
- FMS certification
- LesMills certification

Professions: Fitness Professional
Credentials: Degree in Sport Science Diplôme Universitaire Européen de Préparation Physique Exercise Science Degree

TPI Certifications

TPI Certified Level 1

Fitness Level 3

Junior Level 3

Power Level 2


Golf Level 2

How to find me:

Location: NEAT Training Studio - Légère Premium Hotel
Phone: +352 661 26 26 99
Address: Hotel Premium Légère, ZI Syrdall, MÜNSBACH, L-5365, Luxembourg

Location: NEAT Place d'Armes
Phone: +352 661 26 26 99
Address: Hôtel Le Place d'Armes 18, Place d'Armes, Luxembourg City, 1136, Luxembourg

Location: NEAT Le Club
Phone: +352 661 26 26 99
Address: Golf de Preisch, Basse-Rentgen, 57570, France

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