Chasing Speed with Two-Time Long Drive Champ Jamie Sadlowski
How we use 3D, force and physical data to help the fastest get faster.
How Golf Clubs Are Using Fitness To Engage, Attract And Retain Members
"While golf may have been the dominant force driving club membership since the end of WWII, health, fitness and wellness will be the identifying characteristics over the next 20 years. This is where society is going."
Active Recovery: An Important Day in Your Week
By Pam Owens
Recovery doesn't mean doing nothing.
Why the Glutes Matter
By Meredith Parker
Whether it’s a Saturday tee time with the guys, a regional tournament, or a corporate outing to entertain clients, there remains a desire to perform, and perform well.
How Yoga Can Improve Your Golf Game
By Michael Brantl
Golf conditioning yoga is one of the easiest ways to restore, improve, and maintain optimal functional movement patterns and maximize golf performance.
Webb Simpson on Fundamentals and Practice
By Dave Phillips
Webb Simpson shares some of his practice habits, Happy July 4th.
Making the Most of Your Offseason: Strength Training to Improve Your Game
By Paul Gozbekian
For any golfer, having the ability to increase force production with less effort will help you move the club faster.
Andrew Loupe: The Best Athlete in Golf?
Andrew Loupe was a two-time All-American golfer at LSU, but also a two-time All-State basketball player in high school. His ability to create the fastest swings on TOUR relies on his explosive lower body developed, in part, through years on the hardwood.
No Gym, No Problem: At-Home Training Ideas from the TPI Community
With so many golfers around the world under quarantine, we tried to crowd-source some at-home workouts from health and fitness professionals across our community.
5 Common Mistakes In Golf Strength & Conditioning
By Michael Carroll
If an exercise is not improving force production potential or decreasing injury risk in an athlete, then why is it in our program?
How Golf Fitness is Achieving Mainstream Acceptance
By Rusty Cage
Golf has long had a strange relationship – a borderline phobia – with fitness, especially in the media. There's a disconnect we don’t see in any other mainstream sports. That's all changing now. Freelance writer Rusty Cage explores the evolution of "golf fitness" as the pursuit of performance fights the perception of vanity.
Considerations for LTAD of an Elite, Early Specialized Golfer
By Liesbeth Pauwels
Sharing a few of the lessons learned from working with a future Division 1 golfer.
Why Golfers Lift Weights: Addressing Trepidation in the Media
Over the last year, several members of the media have expressed concern at the sight of golfers lifting weights. We think their criticism is mostly unfounded and would like to explain why.
How to Recover in Style
By Cliff DeNicolo
A Video Introduction to the new Lima Collection Line of Apparel
Discovery Based Learning
By Dave Phillips
In a world of over coaching, learning by self discovery is often the best way.
The Most Important Considerations for Treating Golfers With Lower Back Pain
By Dr. Greg Rose
Lower back pain is by far the most common ailment suffered by golfers, but the lower back is rarely the original cause of pain. It's often the victim, not the culprit.
Offseason Golf Performance Program Case Study: It's Never Too Late To Improve Your Body
By Jared Bickle
Many times when I talk to aging golfers they are frustrated with things in their golf game such as losing speed and distance, not being able to play multiple days in a row or dealing with pain during or after their round. The good news is that you don't have to accept this as part of getting older...
The Benefits Of Complex Training For Power Development In Golfers
By Michael Carroll
Complex training is a training method which combines a high load strength exercise, and a lower load velocity or power based exercise, of similar movement patterns into an “exercise pairing”.
Why Club Head Speed Drops With Age And What You Can Do About it
By Michael Carroll
Unfortunately, we tend to lose speed and mobility with age. TPI Certified strength coach Michael Carroll explains why and shares tips for modifying your exercise program to compensate for it.
When Surgery is the Right Treatment for Your Herniated Disc
By Dr. Paul Houle
What is a herniated lumbar disc and how does it occur? More importantly, how does a herniated disc affect my golf swing and how can I regain my swing once I have recovered from my injury?