The Role of the Shoulder Girdle in the Golf Swing
By Clinton Shum
TPI Certified strength and conditioning specialist Clinton Shum discusses how common limitations in the shoulder girdle effect the golf swing.
A Guide to Needs Analysis and Program Design for Training Golfers
By Michael Carroll
TPI Certified strength coach Michael Carroll outlines how he evaluates golfers and designs training programs.
Hydration Basics
By Robert Yang
Optimal hydration can improve your golf game mentally and physically.
Teeing Off with Breakfast
By Amy Goodson
If your goal is to have energy throughout your golf game, maintain driving strength through the 18th hole and stay mentally focused, you better set your alarm early and make time for breakfast.
How to Use Your Power 2 Certification to Increase Your Business
By Chris Finn
When you complete the TPI Power 2 Certification course, you join an elite and small number of golf performance professionals who can help golfers in unique ways.
Simple Marketing Tips for TPI Certified Pros
By Chris Finn
With TPI Certification, industry professionals gain the opportunity to help golfers AND make a solid living doing what they love. But I get this question consistently from recently Certified professionals…”How do I get golfers to work with me?"
Club Head Speed By Age Group: What Percentile Are You In?
By Chris Finn
With over 600 data points, Par4Success has been able to identify a number of top metrics in the physical realm that you should be striving for if you want to play at your highest level.
In The Gym With I.K. Kim
By Robert Yang
I.K. Kim recently captured her first major at the Ricoh British Open. Here's a look at how she trains with TPI instructor Robert Yang.
5 Techniques to Improve Grip Strength
By Nick Buchan
The hands are you only contact point to the club so it seems obvious that they are a key area in the golfers body. However, grip strength is often ignored completely by golfers, or if trained, trained with ineffective methods.
10 Ways to Motivate our Young Athletes
By Milo Bryant
For some silly, inane reason, too many of us believe that learning can only take place in monotonous and analgesic environments conducive to most funerals. TPI instructor Milo Bryant shares why fun should be a priority.
How Danny Willett matched his swing to his physical capabilities
2016 Masters champion Danny Willett shares how physical limitations have forced him to make adjustments in his swing.
4 Steps To More Rotational Power
By Nick Buchan
TPI Certified trainer Nick Buchan shares how to safely progress your medicine ball throws for more rotational power.
A modern approach to training
By Kayleigh Franklin
TPI Certified (Level 2 Fitness, Level 2 Medical) explains how the marriage manual therapy and physical training will yield better results for your clients.
Vision and Its Impact on Your Game
By Greg Rose
The development and use of your visual system has an impact on every aspect of your golf game.
Tony Romo On The Importance Of Managing Health In Golf
Thanks to a Jordan Spieth intro, Romo successfully rehabbed his back with Dr. Troy Van Biezen and the team at Chirosport Specialists of Dallas.
The Best Exercises To Increase Clubhead Speed
By Nick Buchan
Nick Buchan polls several top golf fitness experts about their favorite exercises for speed development.
How Golfers Can Add More HIIT In The Gym
By Jason Glass
Why golfers are more like sprinters than marathoners and how you can train like one with the Jason Glass Skipping Challenge.
How Ryan Moore rehabbed his ankle with a TPI Certified team
By Brian Chandler
After Ryan Moore won the John Deere Classic, he credited TPI Certified Brian Chandler with helping him overcome a nagging ankle issue which had bothered him for five years.
The Science Behind a Golf Warm Up
By Ben Langdown
Ben Langdown and Jack Wells studied the effect that a proper warm up had on golf performance. The results were astounding.
Skin In The Game: The Overlooked Risk Of Golf
By Mindy Clark MD
On average it has been estimated that professional golfers received 217 times the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation needed to cause a sunburn over the course of the year.