A TPI Certified Expert's Journey to a Pain Free Swing
By Ian Manning
TPI Certified physical therapist Ian Manning chronicles his progress to overcome back pain in his golf swing.
5 Training Strategies to Increase Vertical Thrust Without Leaving The Ground
By Pam Owens
Vertical thrust is a significant power generator in the golf swing, but how do you train a your client that is unable to jump? Here are a few ideas from TPI Certified trainer Pam Owens.
Not All Yoga is Good for Golf But Proper Application Can Deliver Big Benefits
By Dana Santas
Yoga tends to be touted as the panacea for everything, but not all yoga is good for golfers. In fact, spending hours doing arbitrary yoga poses to increase your flexibility could actually impede your functional movement, power and control on the links. That isn’t to say that all yoga is bad for golfers…more like, not all yoga is created equal, and its effectiveness is dictated by the quality of its application to the movement and mental demands of the game.
How Ryan Moore rehabbed his ankle with a TPI Certified team
By Brian Chandler
After Ryan Moore won the John Deere Classic, he credited TPI Certified Brian Chandler with helping him overcome a nagging ankle issue which had bothered him for five years.
15 Lessons Learned From Training Young Athletes
By Milo Bryant
Not enough parents care about movement fundamentals. They want competition or in-sport play. There's a time for that, but athletes need to have a solid grasp of how the body moves and how to make it move better.
How to Warm Up Before Your Workout
By Robbie Cannon
Shane Lowry's TPI Certified strength coach Robbie Cannon discusses the importance of warming up before a workout and shares his 10 minute routine.
Dr. Rose Talks WGFS and Strength Training for Golf on the 18STRONG Podcast
Dr. Greg Rose joins TPI Certified trainer Jeff Pelizzaro on the 100th episode of the 18STRONG Podcast to preview the World Golf Fitness Summit.
The Man Behind The PGA Champ - How Marc Wahl Played a Hand in Jimmy Walker's Triumph
TPI Certified physical therapist Marc Wahl discusses his work with PGA Champ Jimmy Walker.
Why Golfers Lift Weights: Addressing Trepidation in the Media
Over the last year, several members of the media have expressed concern at the sight of golfers lifting weights. We think their criticism is mostly unfounded and would like to explain why.
Minimal Dose, Maximum Effectiveness
By Jason Glass
TPI instructor Jason Glass previews his presentation for the World Golf Fitness Summit.
The Science Behind a Golf Warm Up
By Ben Langdown
Ben Langdown and Jack Wells studied the effect that a proper warm up had on golf performance. The results were astounding.
The Role of the Shoulder Girdle in the Golf Swing
By Clinton Shum
TPI Certified strength and conditioning specialist Clinton Shum discusses how common limitations in the shoulder girdle effect the golf swing.
The Latest Tour Winners Embody the 2016 WGFS Theme
Brooke Henderson and Daniel Berger are phenomenal golfers, but both are products of a multi-sport background. We discuss how they support our philosophy of developing athletes first, golfers second.
How Weighted Carries Can Benefit Your Golf Game
By Bobby Dattero
Carries are tremendous exercises for improving work capacity, grip training, core strength, coordination, and shoulder health.
Skin In The Game: The Overlooked Risk Of Golf
By Mindy Clark MD
On average it has been estimated that professional golfers received 217 times the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation needed to cause a sunburn over the course of the year.
Practice with a Purpose
By Bill O'Neill
How you practice can be just as important as how much you practice.
Why You Should Evaluate Movement in Junior Athletes
By Dr. Greg Rose
Dr. Greg Rose shares the importance of evaluating fundamental movement skills in young athletes to maximize long-term athletic development.
A Strength Coach Psyched About Coaching
By Jason Glass
Coaching isn’t just about X’s and O’s or reps and sets, it's about connecting with your athlete and figuring out what drives them.
Andrew Loupe: The Best Athlete in Golf?
Andrew Loupe was a two-time All-American golfer at LSU, but also a two-time All-State basketball player in high school. His ability to create the fastest swings on TOUR relies on his explosive lower body developed, in part, through years on the hardwood.
What The Lat Test Means For Your Swing And How to Improve Your Result
By Nick Buchan
A guide to what the lat test is, how it relates to your golf swing and how to improve a poor result.