The role of a qualified healthcare provider is critical to helping golfers maximize both performance and durability. Unfortunately, injuries are not uncommon for avid golfers. Research suggests that over half of all serious golfers have had physical issues that impact the amount of golf they play.
TPI’s Medical 2 course is designed to give the healthcare provider the information and tools needed to navigate the complex world of golf-specific injuries and golf-specific rehabilitation. By learning to identify and address the underlying cause of pain, providers are equipped to not only treat injuries, but reduce the likelihood of recurrence.
If you want to work with golfers, this course will provide you with the foundational knowledge and skills to build a successful practice.
Get Two Certifications with One Course!
- Includes TPI Medical 2 and SFMA Level 1 online Certification Courses
- Includes one year of TPI Active Certification status for FREE
- Purchasers are eligible to take the SFMA Level 1 Certification test
- Includes six months of FMS Members-Only access for FREE
- Includes the ability to attend any optional TPI Medical 2 webinar or seminar for FREE
- Continuing Education Credits Available - View Providers
SFMA Certified Already? Receive a $597.50 Discount on TPI Medical 2 Certification.
Contact TPI customer service at 888-874-2004 to receive your discount and register.
Learn more in the FAQ section below.
If you’re a healthcare provider who wants to work with golfers, there are skills unique to the sport that must be mastered.

What is the exact cause of a player’s musculoskeletal dysfunction and is it a mobility or stability problem?
Injury Inducing Mechanics:
Why is the player injured? Does it stem from something they’re doing in their golf swing? Can you determine their Body-Swing Connection?

Injury Rehabilitation:
Can you progress a player from injury to proper motor control restoration?
Can you communicate with both the player and their coach in a way that allows everyone to understand how their swing may be impacting their body?

PurchaseHealthcare providers with TPI Medical Certification have a competitive advantage over other providers.
- Over half of all serious golfers have physical issues that impact the amount of golf they play.
- Injured golfers prefer providers who have been specifically trained in golf rehab so they can return to play quickly.
- Golf coaches with players who show physical restrictions or injuries need trusted partners to refer their players to.
- Fitness trainers with golf clients that are injured need medical providers as partners on their performance teams.
- Golfers are the ideal client for providers desiring to move towards a more cash-based practice.
TPI Medical 2 focuses on improving the provider’s diagnostic skills by introducing the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA). The SFMA is intended to pinpoint the exact cause of a player’s musculoskeletal dysfunction and then progress them through injury rehabilitation and proper motor control restoration with the SFMA 4X4 Matrix.
- Your purchase of TPI Medical 2 includes access to the SFMA Level 1 Certification test.
- Already SFMA Certified? Receive a $597.50 discount to TPI Medical 2 Certification.
- Get all the details on our partnership with SFMA here.
The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)
SFMA instructors Gray Cook, Dr. Greg Rose and Kyle Kiesel teach students a detailed assessment protocol that accurately identifies any altered motor control in the body that is creating, or has the potential to create, pain. This system is called the SFMA and is designed for the healthcare practitioner to improve their diagnostic skills and find the cause of most musculoskeletal dysfunctions.
The Top Tier Screen
The starting point of the SFMA is a series of seven screens, called the Top Tier. These seven tests quickly determine which patterns of movement are contributing to a player’s dysfunction.
The Breakouts – Logic and Language
Once a pattern is identified as a problem, practitioners must now breakdown that pattern to find the root cause of the dysfunction. These strategies are called the SFMA Breakouts. There is at least one breakout for each of the Top Tier tests. Breakout patterns include:
- Cervical Breakouts
- Upper Extremity Breakouts
- Flexion Breakouts
- Rotation Breakouts
- Single Leg Stance Breakouts
- Overhead Deep Squat Breakouts
- Rolling
Building Motor Control
Dr. Rose discusses the science of motor learning and how proper motor learning techniques are incorporated into rehabilitation protocols.
Common Golf Injuries
Dr. Rose discusses the most common injuries seen with avid golfers. Statistics regarding golf swing injuries and associated pain are discussed in detail. Learn the most common injuries observed and the mechanism of injury followed by swing modifications to prevent or minimize these problems. The specific injuries that are discussed include:
- Inducing Mechanics – Lower Back
- Inducing Mechanics – Hip
- Injury Inducing Mechanics – Wrist & Hand
- Injury Inducing Mechanics – Elbow
- Injury Inducing Mechanics – Knee
- Injury Inducing Mechanics – Neck
- Injury Inducing Mechanics – Ribs
Visual System Evaluation
Based on a three-year pilot study done at TPI, the mystery of vision and its role in golf is discussed. Students will learn how to assess the visual system and how it relates to common golf swing characteristics.
After you purchase the Medical 2 online Certification course, you can then attend any optional Medical 2 webinar or in-person seminar for FREE.
No events scheduled - check back soon
No events scheduled - check back soon
Who is Medical 2 for and are there any prerequisites?
Anybody who is TPI Level 1 Certified can purchase TPI Medical 2.
However, only qualified medical professionals will receive TPI Medical 2 Certification as a Major once they pass their Certification test. A qualified medical professional is an individual with a healthcare professional degree such as an MD, DC, PT, ATC, etc.
Anybody who is not a qualified healthcare professional will receive TPI Medical 2 Certification as a Minor once they pass their Certification test.
Majors and Minors appear in TPI’s Find an Expert map under each member’s profile and help website visitors quickly determine a TPI Certified members’s qualifications.
Can I get SFMA Certified through TPI?
Yes! Since the TPI Medical 2 Certification course also contains the SFMA Level 1 curriculum, you receive the following benefits from SFMA.
- Access to the SFMA Level 1 Certification exam for FREE.
- Includes six months of FMS Members-Only access for FREE.
*For any members who purchased the TPI Medical 2 Certification course before July 15, 2021, there will be a small fee from SFMA to activate the SFMA Level 1 Certification exam.
*Korean TPI Medical 2 University students are eligible for the SFMA Level 1 exam upon completion of their semester. Contact TPI Korea for more information.
I’m already SFMA Certified. Do I get a discount?
Yes! TPI has partnered with SFMA ( to allow current SFMA Certified individuals who have active status with their FMS Academy membership to receive a $597.50 discount on TPI Medical 2 Certification.
- Contact TPI customer service at 888-874-2004 to receive your discount and register for TPI Medical 2.
- In countries where TPI offers Medical 2 seminars, SFMA Certified members also receive $497.50 off the TPI Medical 2 seminar price. Contact TPI customer service in those countries to receive your discount.
- For university students where SFMA is taught as part of the curriculum, you must complete your SFMA Level 1 Certification before receiving the discount to the TPI Medical 2 course.
Who are the instructors?
Dave Phillips
TPI Certification Instructor - All Tracks Worldwide
Greg Rose
TPI Certification Instructor - All Tracks Worldwide
Dr. Michael Voight
TPI Level 2 and 3 Medical Professional Certification Instructor - Worldwide
Gray Cook
TPI Level 2 and 3 Medical Certification Instructor - Worldwide
Kyle Kiesel
TPI Level 2 and 3 Medical Certification Instructor - Worldwide
Can I get Continuing Education Credits with this purchase?
Yes! We supply a Certificate of Completion to be used for CEC redemption with the following organizations:

The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is recognized by the PACE program of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards.
Eligible PACE States: AK, CT, DC, ID, IN, IA, KS, ME, MD, MA, MN, MO, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NC, ND, NY, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VT, VA, WA, WY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Nova Scotia
- Medical 2 online certification course: 11 Credits
Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant CEC Approvals
The TPI Medical 2 online Certification course is approved in multiple states for continuing education credits. See the current list of states and approval information here.
Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant CEC Approvals
AZ | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 11 credits | CE Broker 20-1098574 | 01/01/2023 - No expiration | AZ State Board of Physical Therapy | Submission Information |
CA | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 1.1 CEU's | CPTA #23.477 | 09/01/2023 - 09/01/2024 | CA Physical Therapy Association | Submission Information |
CO | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Submit Certificate of Completion to Determine Credit Availability | Colorado State PT Board | Submission Information | ||
CT | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Submit Certificate of Completion to Determine Credit Availability | Connecticut Department of Public Health | Submission Information | ||
FL | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 11 CEU's | CE25-1098574 | 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 | FL Physical Therapy Association | Submission Information |
GA | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 11 CCH | 2024#172 | 01/01/2025 - 12/31/2025 | GA American Physical Therapy Association | Submission Information |
IN | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Has Reciprocity - Submit Certificate of Completion | American Physical Therapy Association IN | Submission Information | ||
IA | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Submit Certificate of Completion to Determine Credit Availability | Iowa Dept of Public Health | Submission Information | ||
KY | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Has Reciprocity - Submit Certificate of Completion | Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy | Submission Information | ||
LA | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 11 credits | Does not assign course # / Submit Course Name | 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 | LA American Physical Therapy Association | Submission Information |
MA | TPI Medical 2 Online Course (courses taken 3/2/2024 - 12/31/2025) | 11 credits | CEUL131594 | 03/02/2024 - 12/31/2025 | American Physical Therapy Association MA | Submission Information |
MI | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 11 credits | CEUL149838 | 1/1/2025 - 12/31/2025 | American Physical Therapy Association MI | Submission Information |
MN | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 10.75 | 10971 | 07/01/2024 - 06/30/2025 | MN Board of Physical Therapy | Submission Information |
MO | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Submit Certificate of Completion to Determine Credit Availability | Board of Registration for the Healing Arts | Submission Information | ||
NC | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Has Reciprocity - Submit Certificate of Completion | NC Physical Therapy Board | Submission Information | ||
NJ | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 11 credits | 2308-90 | 02/01/2022 - 01/31/2026 | NJ State Board of PT Examiners | Submission Information |
NY | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 13.2 CEH | 24-03-02 | 03/01/2024 - 03/01/2025 | NYPTA | Submission Information |
OH | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 11 CEU's | 24S0907 | 1/1/2024 - 1/1/2025 | OH Physical Therapy Association | Submission Information |
OR | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Has Reciprocity - Submit Certificate of Completion | OR Board of Physical Therapy | Submission Information | ||
SC | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Has Reciprocity - Submit Certificate of Completion | SC Board of Physcial Therapy | Submission Information | ||
TX | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 11.00 CCU's | 77848TX | 06/01/2024 - 12/31/2025 | TX Physical Therapy Association | Submission Information |
VA | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | 11.00 CEU's | CEUL138300 | 06/01/2024 - 12/31/2025 | VA Board of Physical Therapy | Submission Information |
WA | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Submit Certificate of Completion to Determine Credit Availability | WA Board of Physcial Therapy | Submission Information | ||
WI | TPI Medical 2 Online Course | Has Reciprocity - Submit Certificate of Completion | WI Department of Regulation & Licensing Physical Therapy Examining Board | Submission Information |

PGA Members may claim the following PDR “Required Education” credits.
- Medical 2 online certification course - 15 PDR “Required Education” credits

LPGA Members may claim the following Non-LPGA Continuing Education Units.
- Medical 2 online certification course - 4 Non-LPGA CU’s
What languages are available?
Currently, the Medical 2 online Certification course is only available in English.
Who can attend Medical 2 events?
For first-time purchasers: Once you have completed your purchase of the Medical 2 online Certification course, you can then register to attend any upcoming Medical 2 webinar or in-person seminar for free. You can continue to attend as many events for free for as long as your Certification status remains Active. Your purchase of Medical 2 includes one year of Active Certification.
For existing TPI Medical 2 or Medical 3 Certified members: If you are currently Active Medical 2 or Medical 3 Certified or in the process of becoming Medical 2 or Medical 3 Certified from a previous purchase, you can register to attend any upcoming Medical 2 webinar or in-person seminar for free. You can continue to attend as many events for free for as long as your Certification status remains Active. You can check your Active Certification status and expiration date here.
Do you offer bundle discounts for multiple course purchases?
Yes! You can bundle any combination of Certification courses. Bundle two or more Certification courses and receive $100 off Level 1, $200 off each Level 2 and $300 off each Level 3. Examples below:
- L1 ($100 off) + L2 ($200 off) = $300 Discount
- L1 ($100 off) + L2 ($200 off) + L3 ($300 off) = $600 Discount
- L2 ($200 off) + L2 ($200 off) = $400 Discount
- L2 ($200 off) + L3 ($300 off) = $500 Discount
The option to add a qualifying Certification course will be available in your checkout cart. Upon selection, the bundling discount will be applied automatically.